~~META: date created = 2016-11-19 16:52 &date modified = 2016-11-19 18:06 ~~ ====== Common usecases for some tools ====== ===== exiftool ===== ==== rename files to creation date/copy number/lowecase extensions ==== exiftool '-filename ===== pdftk ===== ==== Attach files to PDF file ==== pdftk in.pdf attach_files ^ file1.txt ^ file2.txt ^ file3.txt ^ output out.pdf ==== Extract pages from PDF file ==== pdftk A=source.pdf cat A1 A22-37 A82-93 A122-A129 output output.pdf ==== Add blank page ==== Create file blank.pdf\\ Add B=blank.pdf to pdftk call \\ Use B1 everywhere a blank page is needed. pdftk A=source.pdf B=blank.pdf cat A1 B1 A22-37 A82-93 A122-A129 output output.pdf === Rotate Pages === Add the rotation information to the pages in question FIXME {{tag>kb}}